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moon phase work

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the moon is ever present, no matter where you are on earth. the phases are ever changing. I enjoy studying it as a fascinating part of human culture, just knowing more about it makes me happy. Rituals stimulate my imagination and lift my spirits. With the moon I meditate, I bathe, I burn incense, and I charge my crystals. I try to use the energy of the moon for my projects.

waning gibbous moon
the waning gibbous moon falls directly after the full moon and is a time of finishing touches.
the 4th quarter moon is a half-full moon, losing it’s luminosity, slowly moving into darkness. the energy of this time is definitely, a bit scattered. this is a useful time to pause and recheck your schedule.
the waning cresecent moon is the time right before the new moon is in the sky. the thin glowing crescent is a beautiful motif. this moon is the embodiment of introspection as well as a mystical time for ritual and meditation.
new moon or dark moon

the new moon, in this phase of the cycle, is a remembering time, a time for taking stock. A time for letting go. Just as I love the full moon, the new moon is more mine. A time to communicate and thank all those that have helped me find my way.

waxing crescent moon
the waxing crescent moon happens right after the new moon, it’s an interesting time where you actually can feel the changing energy of the moon. now is the time To develop your necessary actions to move forward and take your first steps.
the 1st quarter moon is the midpoint between the new introspective moon and the full extrovert moon. Things should be moving at a faster pace, there is more energy to be had.
waxing gibbous moon
the waxing gibbous moon is volumous but not quite at it’s peak. this moon is building up to the full moon, which means there is a lot of activity in the air. this can make people hyperactive and although the desire to push forward is prominent, at this time, it is advisable to take needed breaks and pace your activities.

the full moon is the brightest moon possible. the zenith is certainly, full of energy. it ignites, similar to a storm – an energetic force, extrovert and wild. it exudes serenity at the same time. a moment for magic making, being brave, changing things or just staying out all night and enjoying the feeling of it.

There are interesting moon rituals online, you just have to search a bit, I found two links, one from moon bath who sell herbs for bathing and a youtube video for moon yoga, for anyone interested.

moon bathing + shop: https://www.moonbath.com/journal-blog
full moon yoga with adrienne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypbT6ctKdZI

full moon