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crystals for dream journaling

crystal dreaming title

crystals can be used for dreaming, they can help you sleep or help you dream when slept with. for this, a crystal is normally placed next to the head or under the pillow. sleep crystals are thought to calm the mind, soothe the nervous system or bring peaceful dreams, while dream crystals help with imagination and vision. the following is a list for consideration only. everyone reacts differently to crystal energies so you should always decide for yourself the actual property of the crystal. the plus of journaling with crystals is that you can evaluate the properties better.

a dream journal is a good way to register your inner struggles, fears, pleasures and hidden thoughts. it’s explorative and can be rewarding, at the least, thought provoking. the basics of dream journaling are easy, have a designated book for writing in & a pen, in reach when you sleep. when you wake from a dream, without moving or doing anything, start a mental review. Catalogue what you can and write it in your book with date & time. note down the situation, the location, the people, the feelings and anything else that comes to mind. Regularity is essential when it comes to keeping a dream journal. after time you will be able to record & analyse your dreams.

If you enjoy journaling about your dreams, crystals can serve as a source of inspiration and invite a sense of curiosity. Crystals can assist in enhancing dream recall, providing clarity, and promoting lucidity in your dreams. Additionally, they can help create a calming and conducive atmosphere for dreaming.

try these crystals for dreaming


bestows vivid dreams, which helps with understanding & interpretation


is a visualisation stone, this can help with remembering your dreams. It can help you connect to spirit guides in dreams

fire agate:

a visualisation crystal fire agate can help you remember your dreams as well as help you stay emotionally balanced


a nurturing crystal that calms the emotions, it can help reduce emotional irritation in dreams & is also good for logical review of the same dreams


inducing vivid dreams, fire opals can also help you release the past & astral travel


if you would like to meet your ancestors in a dream or in meditation you can try hickoryite a form of rhyolite


freeing from inner conflict the rhodochrosite stone is a comforting stone, helping you to reach a higher plane in meditation

dendritic agate: 

the dendritic agate is a stone of plant spirits, it grounds and is good for shamanic meditations


understand your fears in dreams, carnelian can also help you interpret them

the leila necklace is made for carrying loose crystals, which makes it perfect for dream journaling. you can keep your crystal safely under your pillow. have a look at the ready-made versions in the spirit-goods section of the shop or order commission your own.